About Us


When you retire from Montgomery County Government, there is a continuing connection to one or more of the following areas:

  • health insurance (medical, prescription and dental)
  • retirement plans
  • cost of living increases
  • survivor benefits
  • deferred compensation
  • life insurance

MCREA monitors the activities of the County’s executive and legislative branches related to these six areas. The Montgomery County Retired Employees’ Association, Inc., is YOUR VOICE IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY GOVERNMENT.

Our Mission

Enable members to speak with a common voice on matters pertaining to County government retirees and to present their common interest before appropriate private and government agencies; Monitor proposed legislation or regulations proposed by Montgomery County government, or other entities, and assess its impact on Montgomery County government retirees; Assist in the education of retirees on matters of interest to Association members; Cooperate with other organizations in Montgomery County and elsewhere, as appropriate, in advancing our interests; and Promote the Association and its services to members.

Articles of [Incorporation] Amendment & Bylaws

A copy of the 2013 MCREA Articles of Amendment and The updated 2020 Bylaws are available to all members for download and printing.

To read, print, or download the Articles of Amendment and Bylaws, click the buttons below. 

Our Meetings

The Board of Directors meets at such times as may be necessary to conduct business. Meetings are virtual and conducted using Zoom. Meetings are in-person and virtual via Zoom, open to retirees, beneficiaries and others. If you are interested in attending a meeting, please call ahead for date, time and location.

There is a Member Meeting of the general membership each year in June and October. These meetings are announced in our newsletter, on the website and FaceBook.

Association Structure

MCREA is governed by a 17-member Board of Directors. Fourteen members are voted on by the membership: half (7) are elected each year for two-year terms of office; three additional members are appointed by the President for one-year terms of office. Following the annual meeting, the Board of Directors selects from among the Board members, the following officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Committees are appointed, as needed, to assist in conducting MCREA’s business.

MCREA does not have an office location or paid staff. The Association is administered by retirees who volunteer their time.


MCREA produces newsletters twice a year to keep in touch with its members. The newsletter provides information about issues and proposed changes that affect retirees. Members are encouraged to send news and suggestions for articles by mail to the editor, by calling our main phone number and leaving a message, or email the president at: [email protected]. For questions about membership dues, email at: [email protected].


MCREA maintains this website with information about the organization, notices on issues and meetings, important contact information, previous newsletters, history and other information.


MCREA has a FaceBook page where upcoming or important information is posted for our members, including upcoming meetings. You need a FaceBook account to see posts. You can also share information and connect with other retirees and former colleagues. You can find us on FaceBook by clicking the ‘follow’ button at the bottom of every page.

Board of Investment Trustees

The Board of Investment Trustees (BIT) is responsible for investing individual and County contributions by managing an investment program for the trust fund. The trust was established to pay retirement benefits guaranteed under the Montgomery County Employees’ Retirement Plans (MCERP) including the Retirement Savings Plan and the Deferred Compensation Plan.

The Deferred Compensation Plan is administered by Fidelity for non-police and fire personnel. Mass Mutual is the Union’s administering agent for police and fire personnel and is independent of the County.

The Consolidated Retiree Health Benefits Trust (CRHBT), Board of Trustees, is responsible for investing County funds needed to meet future obligations of the County’s retiree health benefit plans.

By law, BIT and CRHBT has one member of the Board representing retirees. MCREA recommends someone for appointment to the County Executive who then makes a recommendation to the County Council who confirms the appointment. The term is for three years and may be renewed for another term.